Source code for featurehub.evaluation.future

# Hub Not available until jupyterhub release 0.8.0
# Source:

from jupyterhub.utils import url_path_join
from import _ExpiringDict, HubAuth as HubAuthStable
from urllib.parse import quote
import requests
import socket
from tornado.log import app_log
from tornado.web import HTTPError
from traitlets import Integer, Instance, default

[docs]class HubAuth(HubAuthStable): cache_max_age = Integer(300, help="""The maximum time (in seconds) to cache the Hub's responses for authentication. A larger value reduces load on the Hub and occasional response lag. A smaller value reduces propagation time of changes on the Hub (rare). Default: 300 (five minutes) """ ).tag(config=True) cache = Instance(_ExpiringDict, allow_none=False) @default('cache') def _default_cache(self): return _ExpiringDict(self.cache_max_age)
[docs] def user_for_token(self, token, use_cache=True): """Ask the Hub to identify the user for a given token. Args: token (str): the token use_cache (bool): Specify use_cache=False to skip cached cookie values (default: True) Returns: user_model (dict): The user model, if a user is identified, None if authentication fails. The 'name' field contains the user's name. """ return self._check_hub_authorization( url=url_path_join(self.api_url, "authorizations/token", quote(token, safe='')), cache_key='token:%s' % token, use_cache=use_cache, )
def _check_hub_authorization(self, url, cache_key=None, use_cache=True): """Identify a user with the Hub Args: url (str): The API URL to check the Hub for authorization (e.g. cache_key (str): The key for checking the cache use_cache (bool): Specify use_cache=False to skip cached cookie values (default: True) Returns: user_model (dict): The user model, if a user is identified, None if authentication fails. Raises an HTTPError if the request failed for a reason other than no such user. """ if use_cache: if cache_key is None: raise ValueError("cache_key is required when using cache") # check for a cached reply, so we don't check with the Hub if we don't have to cached = self.cache.get(cache_key) if cached is not None: return cached try: r = requests.get(url, headers = { 'Authorization' : 'token %s' % self.api_token, }, ) except requests.ConnectionError: msg = "Failed to connect to Hub API at %r." % self.api_url msg += " Is the Hub accessible at this URL (from host: %s)?" % socket.gethostname() if '' in self.api_url: msg += " Make sure to set c.JupyterHub.hub_ip to an IP accessible to" + \ " single-user servers if the servers are not on the same host as the Hub." raise HTTPError(500, msg) data = None if r.status_code == 404: app_log.warning("No Hub user identified for request") elif r.status_code == 403: app_log.error("I don't have permission to check authorization with JupyterHub, my auth token may have expired: [%i] %s", r.status_code, r.reason) raise HTTPError(500, "Permission failure checking authorization, I may need a new token") elif r.status_code >= 500: app_log.error("Upstream failure verifying auth token: [%i] %s", r.status_code, r.reason) raise HTTPError(502, "Failed to check authorization (upstream problem)") elif r.status_code >= 400: app_log.warning("Failed to check authorization: [%i] %s", r.status_code, r.reason) raise HTTPError(500, "Failed to check authorization") else: data = r.json() app_log.debug("Received request from Hub user %s", data) if use_cache: # cache result self.cache[cache_key] = data return data