User Guide

Accessing FeatureHub

You are a FeatureHub user as part of a data science experiment. First, an administrator will contact you with instructions on how to log in to the site. They will provide you with the site’s domain name as well as your username and password.

Accessing FeatureHub Discourse forum

If the experiment is configured to integrate a Discourse forum for help and discussion, an administrator will contact you with instructions on how to log in to the site. They will provide you with the site’s domain name as well as your username and password. You will also receive an automated email asking you to confirm your account.

Using Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is a widely-used platform for interactive computing. Here, we provide resources to learn to use Notebook within your web browser.

First, we recommend you check out these quick video tutorials:

You can also look through these tutorials, which are rendered Notebooks themselves:

You can also reference the official Jupyter Notebook documentation: