
A variety of resources facilitate easy deployment of FeatureHub:

  • Makefile to manage all resources
  • docker
  • docker-compose, for actual deployment of Hub, User, and DB containers
  • shell utilities
    • create/delete users
    • use LetsEncrypt to generate SSL certificate
  • configuration files


In this section, we walk through the steps to install FeatureHub on the host machine, build Docker images, and spin up application containers. However, some of these steps will not make sense until you have configured the application as you desire. You may want to go through these steps once to make sure everything runs okay, then update your configuration file and re-build.

  1. Install git, Docker Engine and Docker Compose on your system.

  2. Download the FeatureHub repository.

    git clone
  3. Ensure Python 3.5 is installed. It is recommended to use conda:

    • Install miniconda.

    • Create a new conda environment:

      conda create -y -n featurehub python=3.5
      source activate featurehub
  4. Install Python requirements for the host.

    pip install -r deploy/requirements-host.txt
  5. Create a local configuration.

    cd deploy
    ./ > .env.local
  6. Build the necessary docker images.

    make build
  7. (Optional) Generate SSL certificate (see SSL Configuration)..

    make ssl
  8. Launch the app.

    make up

At this point:

  • you should have three running containers: a hub, a database, and a machine learning backend (eval server). Confirm that the output of docker ps shows these running containers.
  • An unsecured login page should be visible at http://localhost:8000 (not visible over the internet).
  • You have not created any users, so no one will be able to login yet. See User Management and Data Management to continue.

Proceed to configure your app.


FeatureHub allows configuration in several places.

App Deployment

Default app configuration variables are provided in deploy/.env.

To override any of these defaults, set these variables in a new file deploy/.env.local.

These variables are always needed and the app will break if not provided:

  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password for DB root user
  • EVAL_API_TOKEN: API token for eval server. You should generate a valid API token by executing openssl rand -hex 32.
  • HUB_CLIENT_API_TOKEN : API token for Hub API client script. You should generate a valid API token by executing openssl rand -hex 32.

Definitely override values for these variables, as applicable (i.e. you are exposing app to the internet or have enabled Discourse integration):

  • FF_DOMAIN_NAME: fully-qualified domain name of this server, used for Let’s Encrypt.
  • FF_DOMAIN_EMAIL: email associated with domain name registration
  • DISCOURSE_DOMAIN_NAME : domain name of the Discourse forum
  • DISCOURSE_CLIENT_API_USERNAME : Username for Discourse admin, to use with Discourse API client. You must use the same username when setting up the Discourse instance.
  • DISCOURSE_CLIENT_API_TOKEN : API token for Discourse API client. You should generate a valid API token by executing openssl rand -hex 32. You must use the same token when setting up the Discourse instance.

You can usually leave these variables at their default values:

  • DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME: name for docker network used for networking containers
  • HUB_IMAGE_NAME: name for docker Hub image
  • HUB_CONTAINER_NAME: name for docker Hub container
  • HUB_API_PROT : port for Hub REST API to list on
  • FF_IMAGE_NAME: name for docker User notebook server image
  • FF_CONTAINER_NAME: prefix for docker User containers. Actual containers will have -username appended.
  • FF_DATA_DIR: path to data directory on host machine (deployment machine)
  • FF_PROJECT_NAME: name for docker-compose app
  • FF_IDLE_SERVER_TIMEOUT: timeout interval for idle servers (i.e., user containers). If a server is idle for this amount of time, then it will be automatically stopped. Due to some JupyterHub defaults, this value should be set to at least 5m 30s (330).
  • FF_CONTAINER_MEMLIMIT: memory limit for user containers. The value can either be an integer (bytes) or a string with a ‘K’, ‘M’, ‘G’ or ‘T’ prefix.
  • MYSQL_CONTAINER_NAME: name for docker DB container
  • MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME: username for DB root user
  • MYSQL_DATABASE: competition database name in DB
  • MYSQL_DATA_VOLUME_NAME: name for DB data volume
  • SECRETS_VOLUME_NAME: name for Hub secrets volume
  • USE_LETSENCRYPT_CERT: flag to use Lets Encrypt certificate ("yes"). For testing purposes, can use openssl to issue a self-signed certificate ("no").
  • EVAL_IMAGE_NAME : name for docker eval server image
  • EVAL_CONTAINER_NAME : name for docker eval server container. Since there is one eval container, this will be the exact name.
  • EVAL_CONTAINER_PORT : port for eval server to listen on
  • EVAL_FLASK_DEBUG : whether eval server Flask app should be started with DEBUG flag
  • DISCOURSE_FEATURE_GROUP_NAME : Group for new users to be added to on Discourse. This group will control the visibility of the feature category.
  • DISCOURSE_FEATURE_CATEGORY_NAME : Category for new features to be posted to on Discourse. Posts to this category will only be visible by members of the feature group (above) and administrators.
  • USE_DISCOURSE: flag to use Discourse integration ("yes"). If Discourse integration is enabled, then forum posts are created for each feature that is successfully added.

SSL Configuration

Generate SSL certificates:

make ssl

The certificate will be generated using Let’s Encrypt if USE_LETSENCRYPT_CERT is truthy, otherwise it will be a self-signed certificate generated using OpenSSL.

This Makefile target to generate certificates does not need to be re-executed unless you remove the Docker data volume, the certificates expire, or your domain configuration changes.


Currently, this method does not allow setup of template notebooks and DB credentials. Thus, it should be avoided entirely in favor of User and data management.

Optionally, you can provide a userlist in deploy/userlist. Include one user per row.

  • Specify normal users by their username only: testuser
  • Specify admin users by appending an indicator: adminuser admin

Jupyterhub and Jupyter Notebook

You may want to modify the default deploy/ file. However, you should know what you’re doing to not break things.

Data management

Most files are stored directly on the host machine and mounted in the Hub and User containers:

  • Experiment data: FF_DATA_DIR/data/train and FF_DATA_DIR/data/test
  • Problem definitions: FF_DATA_DIR/problems
  • Notebooks and other user-created files: FF_DATA_DIR/users
  • Configuration files for FeatureHub and JupyterHub: FF_DATA_DIR/config
  • Log files for Hub and eval server: FF_DATA_DIR/log

The MySQL database is mounted on a docker data volume:

  • db-data

Prediction problem format

Data format. All tables are CSV files with rows corresponding to examples and columns corresponding to variables.

  1. Entities table. Each row in the table corresponds to one entity to make a prediction for.
  2. Target table. Each row in the table corresponds to the actual target that you were trying to predict. The ID is implicitly given by the index into the table, such that the ith row of the target table must contain the target for the ith engity.
  3. Featurized entities table. Optional. A set of pre-extracted features used to initialize machine learning models for evaluation. Recall that when users submit features, the ML backend evaluates them by 1) extracting the feature values from the test data 2) building a model from just that feature 3) computing metrics from the trained model. If a featurized entities table is table, then step 2 is replaced by merging the newly extracted feature values with the set of existing featurized. This can be helpful if there are really obvious features that you don’t want users to spend time re-implementing one-by-one, or if there are several features that dominate performance but that are already known, and improvements should be focused on the margins.
  4. “Static” tables. There can be many of these. Metadata that doesn’t change over time, other relational data.

A train/test split should be created, where each split contains the same set of tables but with different cutoffs.

User management

Users can be added or deleted using deploy/ This utility creates user accounts on the hub container, sets up notebooks templates, sets up authentication for each user with the DB, and optionally sets up user accounts on the Discourse forum.

App administration

Admins can perform administrative tasks with respect to the FeatureHub app as well as the FeatureHub data science experiment. Admin users can manage and organize an experiment without needing access to the host machine.

Create an admin user using add --admin=True admin_username admin_password.

App admin

  • Can log into JupyterHub via the admin web interface and add/remove users, restart/shutdown notebooks, and more.
  • Can also create/remove users from the host machine command line using
  • Can modify the experiment database.

Experiment admin

  • Can log into JupyterHub and use the notebooks/admin/Admin.ipynb notebook to initialize experiments, restart experiments, and view features created.
  • To create an experiment, the admin user must store data on the server, then execute Python commands to initialize the experiment and database, provide paths to the experiment data, and configure experiment parameters.

Hub API client

Admins can also use a command line API client to interact with the Hub’s REST API. To use this, you must set an API key for the client to use in the HUB_CLIENT_API_TOKEN environment variable. See App Deployment above.

See the available commands: -- --help

List all users: list-users

Start the server of a user that already exists: start-server username

Manage app lifecycle

The available tasks can be viewed with

make help

Restarting the server

You may want to restart the server to modify configuration of JupyterHub, update the FeatureHub code, or some other reason.

Stop the app. This stops, but does not remove, the hub, user, and DB containers. Note that hub state files, user notebooks, and the database dump persist on the filesystem or in data volumes.

make stop

Restart the app.

make start

Up the app.

make up

Down the app. This stops and removes the hub, user, and database containers. Note that hub state files persist, user notebooks, and the database dump persist on the filesystem.

make down

Optional: Clean filesystem and containers. This stops and removes all FeatureHub containers, if not been already done. Additionally, user notebooks and config files are removed and data volumes are deleted.

make clean

Optional: In addition to the steps taken by make clean, cleans images, network, in addition to filesystem and containers. This removes all trace of FeatureHub beside the source repository and the experiment data directory. Built images are removed and the docker internal network is shut down.

make clean_all

Other topics

Local installation

In the Installation section above, the FeatureHub package is built into a Docker image. If you want to install it locally, for development and testing, there are several additional considerations.

This is largely untested.

  1. Follow the directions in above section to checkout the package and install Python 3.

  2. Install required MySQL and auto-sklearn libraries and dependencies. See Dockerfile-user for an example on Ubuntu. See auto-sklearn Intallation for details on installing auto-sklearn dependencies in your environment.

  3. Install package.

    pip install -e src/