Source code for atm.worker

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import datetime
import imp
import logging
import os
import re
import socket
import traceback
import warnings
from builtins import object, str
from collections import defaultdict

import boto3
import numpy as np

from atm.classifier import Model
from atm.constants import CUSTOM_CLASS_REGEX, SELECTORS, TUNERS
from atm.database import ClassifierStatus, DBSession
from atm.utilities import ensure_directory, get_instance, save_metrics, save_model, update_params

# shhh

# for garrays
os.environ['GNUMPY_IMPLICIT_CONVERSION'] = 'allow'

# load the library-wide logger
LOGGER = logging.getLogger('atm')

# Local hostname, for logging.
HOSTNAME = socket.gethostname()

# Exception thrown when something goes wrong for the worker, but the worker
# handles the error.
[docs]class ClassifierError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Worker(object): def __init__(self, database, datarun, save_files=True, cloud_mode=False, aws_access_key=None, aws_secret_key=None, s3_bucket=None, s3_folder=None, models_dir='models', metrics_dir='metrics', verbose_metrics=False): self.db = database self.datarun = datarun self.save_files = save_files self.cloud_mode = cloud_mode self.aws_access_key = aws_access_key self.aws_secret_key = aws_secret_key self.s3_bucket = s3_bucket self.s3_folder = s3_folder self.models_dir = models_dir self.metrics_dir = metrics_dir self.verbose_metrics = verbose_metrics ensure_directory(self.models_dir) ensure_directory(self.metrics_dir) # load the Dataset from the database self.dataset = self.db.get_dataset(self.datarun.dataset_id) # load the Selector and Tuner classes specified by our datarun self.load_selector() self.load_tuner()
[docs] def load_selector(self): """ Load and initialize the BTB class which will be responsible for selecting hyperpartitions. """ # selector will either be a key into SELECTORS or a path to # a file that defines a class called CustomSelector. if self.datarun.selector in SELECTORS: Selector = SELECTORS[self.datarun.selector] else: path, classname = re.match(CUSTOM_CLASS_REGEX, self.datarun.selector).groups() mod = imp.load_source('btb.selection.custom', path) Selector = getattr(mod, classname)'Selector: %s' % Selector) # generate the arguments we need to initialize the selector hyperpartitions = self.db.get_hyperpartitions( hp_by_method = defaultdict(list) for hp in hyperpartitions: hp_by_method[hp.method].append( hyperpartition_ids = [ for hp in hyperpartitions] # Selector classes support passing in redundant arguments self.selector = get_instance(Selector, choices=hyperpartition_ids, k=self.datarun.k_window, by_algorithm=dict(hp_by_method))
[docs] def load_tuner(self): """ Load, but don't initialize, the BTB class which will be responsible for choosing non-hyperpartition hyperparameter values (a subclass of Tuner). The tuner must be initialized with information about the hyperpartition, so it cannot be created until later. """ # tuner will either be a key into TUNERS or a path to # a file that defines a class called CustomTuner. if self.datarun.tuner in TUNERS: self.Tuner = TUNERS[self.datarun.tuner] else: path, classname = re.match(CUSTOM_CLASS_REGEX, self.datarun.tuner).groups() mod = imp.load_source('btb.tuning.custom', path) self.Tuner = getattr(mod, classname)'Tuner: %s' % self.Tuner)
[docs] def select_hyperpartition(self): """ Use the hyperpartition selection method specified by our datarun to choose a hyperpartition of hyperparameters from the ModelHub. Only consider partitions for which gridding is not complete. """ hyperpartitions = self.db.get_hyperpartitions( # load classifiers and build scores lists # make sure all hyperpartitions are present in the dict, even ones that # don't have any classifiers. That way the selector can choose hyperpartitions # that haven't been scored yet. hyperpartition_scores = { [] for fs in hyperpartitions} classifiers = self.db.get_classifiers( for c in classifiers: # ignore hyperpartitions for which gridding is done if c.hyperpartition_id not in hyperpartition_scores: continue # the cast to float is necessary because the score is a Decimal; # doing Decimal-float arithmetic throws errors later on. score = float(getattr(c, self.datarun.score_target) or 0) hyperpartition_scores[c.hyperpartition_id].append(score) hyperpartition_id = return self.db.get_hyperpartition(hyperpartition_id)
[docs] def tune_hyperparameters(self, hyperpartition): """ Use the hyperparameter tuning method specified by our datarun to choose a set of hyperparameters from the potential space. """ # Get parameter metadata for this hyperpartition tunables = hyperpartition.tunables # If there aren't any tunable parameters, we're done. Return the vector # of values in the hyperpartition and mark the set as finished. if not len(tunables): LOGGER.warning('No tunables for hyperpartition %d' % self.db.mark_hyperpartition_gridding_done( return update_params(params=[], tunables=tunables, categoricals=hyperpartition.categoricals, constants=hyperpartition.constants) # Get previously-used parameters: every classifier should either be # completed or have thrown an error all_clfs = self.db.get_classifiers( classifiers = [c for c in all_clfs if c.status == ClassifierStatus.COMPLETE] X = [c.hyperparameter_values for c in classifiers] y = np.array([float(getattr(c, self.datarun.score_target)) for c in classifiers]) # Initialize the tuner and propose a new set of parameters # this has to be initialized with information from the hyperpartition, so we # need to do it fresh for each classifier (not in load_tuner) tuner = get_instance(self.Tuner, tunables=tunables, gridding=self.datarun.gridding, r_minimum=self.datarun.r_minimum) if len(X) > 0: tuner.add(X, y) params = tuner.propose() if params is None and self.datarun.gridding:'Gridding done for hyperpartition %d' % self.db.mark_hyperpartition_gridding_done( return None # Append categorical and constants to the params. return update_params(params=params, categoricals=hyperpartition.categoricals, constants=hyperpartition.constants)
[docs] def test_classifier(self, method, params): """ Given a set of fully-qualified hyperparameters, create and test a classifier model. Returns: Model object and metrics dictionary """ model = Model(method=method, params=params, judgment_metric=self.datarun.metric, class_column=self.dataset.class_column, verbose_metrics=self.verbose_metrics) train_path, test_path = self.dataset.load() metrics = model.train_test(self.dataset) target = self.datarun.score_target def metric_string(model): if 'cv' in target or 'mu_sigma' in target: return '%.3f +- %.3f' % (model.cv_judgment_metric, 2 * model.cv_judgment_metric_stdev) else: return '%.3f' % model.test_judgment_metric'Judgment metric (%s, %s): %s' % (self.datarun.metric, target[:-len('_judgment_metric')], metric_string(model))) old_best = self.db.get_best_classifier(, score_target=target) if old_best is not None: if getattr(model, target) > getattr(old_best, target):'New best score! Previous best (classifier %s): %s',, metric_string(old_best)) else:'Best so far (classifier %s): %s',, metric_string(old_best)) return model, metrics
[docs] def save_classifier(self, classifier_id, model, metrics): """ Update a classifier with metrics and model information and mark it as "complete" classifier_id: ID of the classifier to save model: Model object containing a serializable representation of the final model generated by this classifier. metrics: Dictionary containing cross-validation and test metrics data for the model. """ # whether to save model and metrics data to the filesystem if self.save_files: # keep a database session open so that the utility functions can # access the linked hyperpartitions and dataruns with DBSession(self.db): classifier = self.db.get_classifier(classifier_id) model_path = save_model(classifier, self.models_dir, model) metric_path = save_metrics(classifier, self.metrics_dir, metrics) # if necessary, save model and metrics to Amazon S3 bucket if self.cloud_mode: try: model_path, metric_path = self.save_classifier_cloud(model_path, metric_path) except Exception: msg = traceback.format_exc() LOGGER.error('Error in save_classifier_cloud()') self.db.mark_classifier_errored(classifier_id, error_message=msg) else: model_path = None metric_path = None # update the classifier in the database self.db.complete_classifier(classifier_id=classifier_id, model_location=model_path, metrics_location=metric_path, cv_score=model.cv_judgment_metric, cv_stdev=model.cv_judgment_metric_stdev, test_score=model.test_judgment_metric) # update this session's hyperpartition entry'Saved classifier %d.' % classifier_id)
[docs] def save_classifier_cloud(self, local_model_path, local_metric_path, delete_local=False): """ Save a classifier to the S3 bucket supplied on __init__. Saves a serialized representaion of the model as well as a detailed set of metrics. local_model_path: path to serialized model in the local file system local_metric_path: path to serialized metrics in the local file system """ client = boto3.client( 's3', aws_access_key_id=self.aws_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=self.aws_secret_key, ) if self.s3_folder: aws_model_path = os.path.join(self.s3_folder, local_model_path) aws_metric_path = os.path.join(self.s3_folder, local_metric_path) else: aws_model_path = local_model_path aws_metric_path = local_metric_path'Uploading model at %s to s3://%s/%s', local_model_path, self.s3_bucket, aws_model_path) client.upload_file(local_model_path, self.s3_bucket, aws_model_path)'Uploading metric at %s to s3://%s/%s', local_metric_path, self.s3_bucket, aws_metric_path) client.upload_file(local_metric_path, self.s3_bucket, aws_metric_path) if delete_local:'Deleting local copies of %s and %s', local_model_path, local_metric_path) os.remove(local_model_path) os.remove(local_metric_path) return ( 's3://{}/{}'.format(self.s3_bucket, aws_model_path), 's3://{}/{}'.format(self.s3_bucket, aws_metric_path) )
[docs] def is_datarun_finished(self): """ Check to see whether the datarun is finished. This could be due to the budget being exhausted or due to hyperparameter gridding being done. """ hyperpartitions = self.db.get_hyperpartitions( if not hyperpartitions: LOGGER.warning('No incomplete hyperpartitions for datarun %d present in database.' % return True if self.datarun.budget_type == 'classifier': # hyperpartition classifier counts are updated whenever a classifier # is created, so this will count running, errored, and complete. n_completed = len(self.db.get_classifiers( if n_completed >= self.datarun.budget: LOGGER.warning('Classifier budget has run out!') return True elif self.datarun.budget_type == 'walltime': deadline = self.datarun.deadline if > deadline: LOGGER.warning('Walltime budget has run out!') return True return False
[docs] def run_classifier(self, hyperpartition_id=None): """ Choose hyperparameters, then use them to test and save a Classifier. """ # check to see if our work is done if self.is_datarun_finished(): # marked the run as done successfully self.db.mark_datarun_complete( LOGGER.warning('Datarun %d has ended.' % return try: LOGGER.debug('Choosing hyperparameters...') if hyperpartition_id is not None: hyperpartition = self.db.get_hyperpartition(hyperpartition_id) if hyperpartition.datarun_id != LOGGER.error('Hyperpartition %d is not a part of datarun %d' % (hyperpartition_id, return else: # use the multi-arm bandit to choose which hyperpartition to use next hyperpartition = self.select_hyperpartition() # use tuner to choose a set of parameters for the hyperpartition params = self.tune_hyperparameters(hyperpartition) except Exception: LOGGER.error('Error choosing hyperparameters: datarun=%s' % str(self.datarun)) LOGGER.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise ClassifierError() if params is None: LOGGER.warning('No parameters chosen: hyperpartition %d is finished.' % return param_info = 'Chose parameters for method "%s":' % hyperpartition.method for k in sorted(params.keys()): param_info += '\n\t%s = %s' % (k, params[k]) LOGGER.debug('Creating classifier...') classifier = self.db.start_classifier(,, host=HOSTNAME, hyperparameter_values=params) try: LOGGER.debug('Testing classifier...') model, metrics = self.test_classifier(hyperpartition.method, params) LOGGER.debug('Saving classifier...') self.save_classifier(, model, metrics) except Exception: msg = traceback.format_exc() LOGGER.error('Error testing classifier: datarun=%s' % str(self.datarun)) LOGGER.error(msg) self.db.mark_classifier_errored(, error_message=msg) raise ClassifierError()