Guide to the ModelHub database

The ModelHub database is what ATM uses to save state about ongoing jobs, datasets, and previously-generated models. It allows multiple workers on multiple machines to collaborate on a single task, regardless of failures or interruptions. The ideas behind ModelHub are described in the corresponding paper, although the structure described there does not match up one-to-one with the ModelHub implemented in atm/ This page gives a brief overview of the structure of the ModelHub database as implemented and how it compares to the version in the paper.


A Dataset represents a single set of data which can be used to train and test models by ATM. The table stores information about the location of the data as well as metadata to help with analysis.

  • id (Int): Unique identifier for the dataset.

  • name (String): Identifier string for a classification technique.

  • class_column (String): Name of the class label column.

  • train_path (String): Location of the dataset train file.

  • test_path (String): Location of the dataset test file.

  • description (String): Human-readable description of the dataset.

    • not described in the paper

The metadata fields below are not described in the paper.

  • n_examples (Int): Number of samples (rows) in the dataset.

  • k_classes (Int): Number of classes in the dataset.

  • d_features (Int): Number of features in the dataset.

  • majority (Number): Ratio of the number of samples in the largest class to the number of samples in all other classes.

  • size_kb (Int): Approximate size of the dataset in KB.


A Datarun is a single logical job for ATM to complete. The Dataruns table contains a reference to a dataset, configuration for ATM and BTB, and state information.

  • id (Int): Unique identifier for the datarun.

  • dataset_id (Int): ID of the dataset associated with this datarun.

  • description (String): Human-readable description of the datarun. - not described in the paper

BTB configuration:

  • selector (String): Selection technique for hyperpartitions.

    • called “hyperpartition_selection_scheme” in the paper

  • k_window (Int): The number of previous classifiers the selector will consider, for selection techniques that set a limit of the number of historical runs to use.

    • called “ts” in the paper

  • tuner (String): The technique that BTB will use to choose new continuous hyperparameters.

    • called “hyperparameters_tuning_scheme” in the paper

  • r_minimum (Int): The number of random runs that must be performed in each hyperpartition before allowing Bayesian optimization to select parameters.

  • gridding (Int): If this value is set to a positive integer, each numeric hyperparameter will be chosen from a set of gridding discrete, evenly-spaced values. If set to 0 or NULL, values will be chosen from the full, continuous space of possibilities.

    • not described in the paper

ATM configuration:

  • priority (Int): Run priority for the datarun. If multiple unfinished dataruns are in the ModelHub at once, workers will process higher-priority runs first.

  • budget_type (Enum): One of [“learner”, “walltime”]. If this is “learner”, only budget classifiers will be trained; if “walltime”, classifiers will only be trained for budget minutes total.

  • budget (Int): The maximum number of classifiers to build, or the maximum amount of time to train classifiers (in minutes).

    • called “budget_amount” in the paper

  • deadline (DateTime): If provided, and if budget_type is set to “walltime”, the datarun will run until this absolute time. This overrides the budget column.

    • not described in the paper

  • metric (String): The metric by which to score each classifier for comparison purposes. Can be one of [“accuracy”, “cohen_kappa”, “f1”, “roc_auc”, “ap”, “mcc”] for binary problems, or [“accuracy”, “rank_accuracy”, “cohen_kappa”, “f1_micro”, “f1_macro”, “roc_auc_micro”, “roc_auc_macro”] for multiclass problems

    • not described in the paper

  • score_target (Enum): One of [“cv”, “test”, “mu_sigma”]. Determines how the final comparative metric (the judgment metric) is calculated.

    • “cv” (cross-validation): the judgment metric is the average of a 5-fold cross-validation test.

    • “test”: the judgment metric is computed on the test data.

    • “mu_sigma”: the judgment metric is the lower error bound on the mean CV score.

    • not described in the paper

State information:

  • start_time (DateTime): Time the DataRun began.

  • end_time (DateTime): Time the DataRun was completed.

  • status (Enum): Indicates whether the run is pending, in progress, or has been finished. One of [“pending”, “running”, “complete”].

    • not described in the paper


A Hyperpartition is a fixed set of categorical hyperparameters which defines a space of numeric hyperparameters that can be explored by a tuner. ATM uses BTB selectors to choose among hyperpartitions during a run. Each hyperpartition instance must be associated with a single datarun; the performance of a hyperpartition in a previous datarun is assumed to have no bearing on its performance in the future.

  • id (Int): Unique identifier for the hyperparition.

  • datarun_id (Int): ID of the datarun associated with this hyperpartition.

  • method (String): Code for, or path to a JSON file describing, this hyperpartition’s classification method (e.g. “svm”, “knn”).

  • categoricals_hyperparameters_64 (Base64-encoded object): List of categorical hyperparameters whose values are fixed to define this hyperpartition.

    • called “partition_hyperparameter_values” in the paper

  • tunables_hyperparameters_64 (Base64-encoded object): List of continuous hyperparameters which are free; their values must be selected by a Tuner.

    • called “conditional_hyperparameters” in the paper

  • constants_hyperparameters_64 (Base64-encoded object): List of categorical or continuous parameters whose values are always fixed. These do not define the hyperpartition, but their values must be passed to the classification method to fully parameterize it.

    • not described in the paper

  • status (Enum): Indicates whether the hyperpartition has caused too many classifiers to error, or whether the grid for this partition has been fully explored. One of [“incomplete”, “gridding_done”, “errored”].

    • not described in the paper


A Classifier represents a single train/test run using a method and a set of hyperparameters with a particular dataset.

  • id (Int): Unique identifier for the classifier.

  • datarun_id (Int): ID of the datarun associated with this classifier.

  • hyperpartition_id (Int): ID of the hyperpartition associated with this classifier.

  • host (String): IP address or name of the host machine where the classifier was tested.

    • not described in the paper

  • model_location (String): Path to the serialized model object for this classifier.

  • metrics_location (String): Path to the full set of metrics computed during testing.

  • cv_judgment_metric (Number): Mean of the judgement metrics from the cross-validated training data.

  • cv_judgment_metric_stdev (Number): Standard deviation of the cross-validation test.

    • not described in the paper

  • test_judgment_metric (Number): Judgment metric computed on the test data.

  • hyperparameters_values_64 (Base64-encoded object): The full set of hyperparameter values used to create this classifier.

  • start_time (DateTime): Time that a worker started working on the classifier.

  • end_time (DateTime): Time that a worker finished working on the classifier.

  • status (Enum): One of [“running”, “errored”, “complete”].

  • error_message (String): If this classifier encountered an error, this is the Python stack trace from the caught exception.