Source code for atm.database

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import hashlib
import json
import os
import pickle
from builtins import object
from datetime import datetime
from io import BytesIO
from operator import attrgetter

import boto3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymysql
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sqlalchemy import (
    Column, DateTime, Enum, ForeignKey, Integer, MetaData, Numeric, String, Text, and_,
    create_engine, func, inspect)
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker
from import ColumnProperty

from atm.constants import (
    ClassifierStatus, PartitionStatus, RunStatus)
from import load_data
from atm.utilities import base_64_to_object, object_to_base_64

# The maximum number of errors allowed in a single hyperpartition. If more than
# this many classifiers using a hyperpartition error, the hyperpartition will be
# considered broken and ignored for the rest of the datarun.

[docs]class DBSession(object): def __init__(self, db, commit=False): self.db = db self.commit = commit def __enter__(self): self.db.session = self.db.get_session() def __exit__(self, type, error, traceback): if error is not None: self.db.session.rollback() elif self.commit: self.db.session.commit() self.db.session.close() self.db.session = None
[docs]def try_with_session(commit=False): """ Decorator for instance methods on Database that need a sqlalchemy session. This wrapping function checks if the Database has an active session yet. If not, it wraps the function call in a ``with DBSession():`` block. """ def wrap(func): def call(db, *args, **kwargs): # if the Database has an active session, don't create a new one if db.session is not None: result = func(db, *args, **kwargs) if commit: db.session.commit() else: # otherwise, use the session generator with DBSession(db, commit=commit): result = func(db, *args, **kwargs) return result return call return wrap
[docs]class Database(object): def __init__(self, dialect, database, username=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, query=None): """ Accepts configuration for a database connection, and defines SQLAlchemy ORM objects for all the tables in the database. """ # Prepare environment for pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() pymysql.converters.encoders[np.float64] = pymysql.converters.escape_float pymysql.converters.conversions = pymysql.converters.encoders.copy() pymysql.converters.conversions.update(pymysql.converters.decoders) db_url = URL(drivername=dialect, database=database, username=username, password=password, host=host, port=port, query=query) self.engine = create_engine(db_url) self.session = None self.get_session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine, expire_on_commit=False) # create ORM objects for the tables self._define_tables() def _define_tables(self): """ Define the SQLAlchemy ORM class for each table in the ModelHub database. These must be defined after the Database class is initialized so that the database metadata is available (at runtime). If the database does not already exist, it will be created. If it does exist, it will not be updated with new schema -- after schema changes, the database must be destroyed and reinialized. """ metadata = MetaData(bind=self.engine) Base = declarative_base(metadata=metadata) db = self class Dataset(Base): __tablename__ = 'datasets' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column(String(100), nullable=False) # columns necessary for loading/processing data class_column = Column(String(100), nullable=False) train_path = Column(String(200), nullable=False) test_path = Column(String(200)) description = Column(String(1000)) # metadata columns, for convenience n_examples = Column(Integer, nullable=False) k_classes = Column(Integer, nullable=False) d_features = Column(Integer, nullable=False) majority = Column(Numeric(precision=10, scale=9), nullable=False) size_kb = Column(Integer, nullable=False) def load(self, test_size=0.3, random_state=0, aws_access_key=None, aws_secret_key=None): data = load_data(, self.train_path, aws_access_key, aws_secret_key) if self.test_path: if'.csv'): test_name ='.csv', '_test.csv') else: test_name = + '_test' test_data = load_data(test_name, self.test_path, aws_access_key, aws_secret_key) return data, test_data else: return train_test_split(data, test_size=test_size, random_state=random_state) def _add_extra_fields(self, aws_access_key=None, aws_secret_key=None): data = load_data(, self.train_path, aws_access_key, aws_secret_key) if self.n_examples is None: self.n_examples = len(data) if self.k_classes is None: self.k_classes = len(np.unique(data[self.class_column])) if self.d_features is None: total_features = data.shape[1] - 1 for column in data.columns: if data[column].dtype == 'object': total_features += len(np.unique(data[column])) - 1 self.d_features = total_features if self.majority is None: counts = data[self.class_column].value_counts() self.majority = float(max(counts)) / float(sum(counts)) if self.size_kb is None: self.size_kb = int(np.array(data).nbytes / 1000) @staticmethod def _make_name(path): md5 = hashlib.md5(path.encode('utf-8')) return md5.hexdigest() def __init__(self, train_path, test_path=None, name=None, description=None, class_column=None, n_examples=None, majority=None, k_classes=None, size_kb=None, d_features=None, id=None, aws_access_key=None, aws_secret_key=None): self.train_path = train_path self.test_path = test_path = name or self._make_name(train_path) self.description = description or self.class_column = class_column = id self.n_examples = n_examples self.d_features = d_features self.majority = majority self.k_classes = k_classes self.size_kb = size_kb self._add_extra_fields(aws_access_key, aws_secret_key) def __repr__(self): base = "<%s: %s, %d classes, %d features, %d rows>" return base % (, self.description, self.k_classes, self.d_features, self.n_examples) class Datarun(Base): __tablename__ = 'dataruns' # relational columns id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) dataset_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) dataset = relationship('Dataset', back_populates='dataruns') description = Column(String(200), nullable=False) priority = Column(Integer) # hyperparameter selection and tuning settings selector = Column(String(200), nullable=False) k_window = Column(Integer) tuner = Column(String(200), nullable=False) gridding = Column(Integer, nullable=False) r_minimum = Column(Integer) # budget settings budget_type = Column(Enum(*BUDGET_TYPES)) budget = Column(Integer) deadline = Column(DateTime) # which metric to use for judgment, and how to compute it metric = Column(Enum(*METRICS)) score_target = Column(Enum(*[s + '_judgment_metric' for s in SCORE_TARGETS])) # variables that store the status of the datarun start_time = Column(DateTime) end_time = Column(DateTime) status = Column(Enum(*DATARUN_STATUS), default=RunStatus.PENDING) def __repr__(self): base = "<ID = %d, dataset ID = %s, strategy = %s, budget = %s (%s), status: %s>" return base % (, self.dataset_id, self.description, self.budget_type, self.budget, self.status) @property def completed_classifiers(self): return len(self.get_complete_classifiers()) def get_scores(self): columns = [ 'id', 'cv_judgment_metric', 'cv_judgment_metric_stdev', 'test_judgment_metric', ] classifiers = db.get_classifiers( scores = [ { key: value for key, value in vars(classifier).items() if key in columns } for classifier in classifiers ] scores = pd.DataFrame(scores) scores.sort_values(by='cv_judgment_metric', ascending=False, inplace=True) scores['rank'] = scores['cv_judgment_metric'].rank(ascending=0) return scores.reset_index(drop=True) def get_best_classifier(self): return db.get_best_classifier(self.score_target, def get_complete_classifiers(self): return db.get_classifiers(, status=ClassifierStatus.COMPLETE) def export_best_classifier(self, path, force=False): if os.path.exists(path) and not force: print('The indicated path already exists. Use `force=True` to overwrite.') base_path = os.path.dirname(path) if base_path and not os.path.exists(base_path): os.makedirs(base_path) classifier = self.get_best_classifier() model = classifier.load_model() with open(path, 'wb') as pickle_file: pickle.dump(model, pickle_file) print("Classifier {} saved as {}".format(, path)) def describe(self): dataset = db.get_dataset(self.dataset_id) elapsed = self.end_time - self.start_time if self.end_time else 'Not finished yet.' to_print = [ 'Datarun {} summary:'.format(, "\tDataset: '{}'".format(dataset.train_path), "\tColumn Name: '{}'".format(dataset.class_column), "\tJudgment Metric: '{}'".format(self.metric), '\tClassifiers Tested: {}'.format(len(db.get_classifiers(, '\tElapsed Time: {}'.format(elapsed), ] print('\n'.join(to_print)) Dataset.dataruns = relationship('Datarun', order_by='', back_populates='dataset') class Hyperpartition(Base): __tablename__ = 'hyperpartitions' # relational columns id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) datarun_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) datarun = relationship('Datarun', back_populates='hyperpartitions') # name of or path to a configured classification method method = Column(String(255)) # list of categorical parameters whose values are fixed to define # this hyperpartition categorical_hyperparameters_64 = Column(Text) # list of continuous parameters which are not fixed; their values # must be selected by a Tuner tunable_hyperparameters_64 = Column(Text) # list of categorical or continuous parameters whose values are # always fixed. These do not define the hyperpartition, but their # values must be passed on to the method. Here for convenience. constant_hyperparameters_64 = Column(Text) # has the partition had too many errors, or is gridding done? status = Column(Enum(*PARTITION_STATUS), default=PartitionStatus.INCOMPLETE) @property def categoricals(self): """ A list of categorical variables along with the fixed values which define this hyperpartition. Each element is a ('name', HyperParameter) tuple. """ return base_64_to_object(self.categorical_hyperparameters_64) @categoricals.setter def categoricals(self, value): self.categorical_hyperparameters_64 = object_to_base_64(value) @property def tunables(self): """ A list of parameters which are unspecified and must be selected with a Tuner. Each element is a ('name', HyperParameter) tuple. """ return base_64_to_object(self.tunable_hyperparameters_64) @tunables.setter def tunables(self, value): self.tunable_hyperparameters_64 = object_to_base_64(value) @property def constants(self): return base_64_to_object(self.constant_hyperparameters_64) @constants.setter def constants(self, value): self.constant_hyperparameters_64 = object_to_base_64(value) def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %s>" % (self.method, self.categoricals) Datarun.hyperpartitions = relationship('Hyperpartition', order_by='', back_populates='datarun') class Classifier(Base): __tablename__ = 'classifiers' # relational columns id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) datarun_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) datarun = relationship('Datarun', back_populates='classifiers') hyperpartition_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) hyperpartition = relationship('Hyperpartition', back_populates='classifiers') # name of the host where the model was trained host = Column(String(50)) # these columns point to where the output is stored model_location = Column(String(300)) metrics_location = Column(String(300)) # base 64 encoding of the hyperparameter names and values hyperparameter_values_64 = Column(Text, nullable=False) # performance metrics cv_judgment_metric = Column(Numeric(precision=20, scale=10)) cv_judgment_metric_stdev = Column(Numeric(precision=20, scale=10)) test_judgment_metric = Column(Numeric(precision=20, scale=10)) start_time = Column(DateTime) end_time = Column(DateTime) status = Column(Enum(*CLASSIFIER_STATUS), nullable=False) error_message = Column(Text) @property def hyperparameter_values(self): return base_64_to_object(self.hyperparameter_values_64) @hyperparameter_values.setter def hyperparameter_values(self, value): self.hyperparameter_values_64 = object_to_base_64(value) @property def mu_sigma_judgment_metric(self): # compute the lower confidence bound on the cross-validated # judgment metric if self.cv_judgment_metric is None: return None return (self.cv_judgment_metric - 2 * self.cv_judgment_metric_stdev) def __repr__(self): params = '\n'.join( [ '\t{}: {}'.format(name, value) for name, value in self.hyperparameter_values.items() ] ) to_print = [ 'Classifier id: {}'.format(, 'Classifier type: {}'.format( db.get_hyperpartition(self.hyperpartition_id).method), 'Params chosen: \n{}'.format(params), 'Cross Validation Score: {:.3f} +- {:.3f}'.format( self.cv_judgment_metric, self.cv_judgment_metric_stdev), 'Test Score: {:.3f}'.format(self.test_judgment_metric), ] return '\n'.join(to_print) def load_s3_data(self, s3_url, aws_access_key=None, aws_secret_key=None): """Returns raw data from S3""" client = boto3.client( 's3', aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_key, ) bucket = s3_url.split('/')[2] path_to_read = s3_url.replace('s3://{}/'.format(bucket), '') with BytesIO() as data: client.download_fileobj(bucket, path_to_read, data) return data def load_model(self): """Return the model's insntance.""" if self.model_location.startswith('s3'): pickled = self.load_s3_data( self.model_location, self.aws_access_key, self.aws_secret_key, ) return pickle.load(pickled) else: with open(self.model_location, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) def load_metrics(self): """Return the metrics""" if self.metrics_location.startswith('s3'): pickled = self.load_s3_data( self.metrics_location, self.aws_access_key, self.aws_secret_key, ) return json.load(pickled) else: with open(self.metrics_location, 'rb') as f: return json.load(f) Datarun.classifiers = relationship('Classifier', order_by='', back_populates='datarun') Hyperpartition.classifiers = relationship('Classifier', order_by='', back_populates='hyperpartition') self.Dataset = Dataset self.Datarun = Datarun self.Hyperpartition = Hyperpartition self.Classifier = Classifier Base.metadata.create_all(bind=self.engine) # ########################################################################## # # Save/load the database ############################################### # ##########################################################################
[docs] @try_with_session() def to_csv(self, path): """ Save the entire ModelHub database as a set of CSVs in the given directory. """ for table in ['datasets', 'dataruns', 'hyperpartitions', 'classifiers']: df = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM %s' % table, self.session.bind) df.to_csv(os.path.join(path, '%s.csv' % table), index=False)
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def from_csv(self, path): """ Load a snapshot of the ModelHub database from a set of CSVs in the given directory. """ for model, table in [(self.Dataset, 'dataset'), (self.Datarun, 'datarun'), (self.Hyperpartition, 'hyperpartition'), (self.Classifier, 'classifier')]: df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, '%ss.csv' % table)) # parse datetime columns. This is necessary because SQLAlchemy can't # interpret strings as datetimes on its own. # yes, this is the easiest way to do it for c in inspect(model).attrs: if not isinstance(c, ColumnProperty): continue col = c.columns[0] if isinstance(col.type, DateTime): df[c.key] = pd.to_datetime(df[c.key], infer_datetime_format=True) for _, r in df.iterrows(): # replace NaN and NaT with None for k, v in list(r.iteritems()): if pd.isnull(v): r[k] = None # insert the row into the database create_func = getattr(self, 'create_%s' % table) create_func(**r)
# ########################################################################## # # Standard query methods ############################################### # ##########################################################################
[docs] @try_with_session() def get_dataset(self, dataset_id): """ Get a specific dataset. """ return self.session.query(self.Dataset).get(dataset_id)
[docs] @try_with_session() def get_datarun(self, datarun_id): """ Get a specific datarun. """ return self.session.query(self.Datarun).get(datarun_id)
[docs] @try_with_session() def get_dataruns(self, ignore_pending=False, ignore_running=False, ignore_complete=True, include_ids=None, exclude_ids=None, max_priority=True): """ Get a list of all dataruns matching the chosen filters. Args: ignore_pending: if True, ignore dataruns that have not been started ignore_running: if True, ignore dataruns that are already running ignore_complete: if True, ignore completed dataruns include_ids: only include ids from this list exclude_ids: don't return any ids from this list max_priority: only return dataruns which have the highest priority of any in the filtered set """ query = self.session.query(self.Datarun) if ignore_pending: query = query.filter(self.Datarun.status != RunStatus.PENDING) if ignore_running: query = query.filter(self.Datarun.status != RunStatus.RUNNING) if ignore_complete: query = query.filter(self.Datarun.status != RunStatus.COMPLETE) if include_ids: exclude_ids = exclude_ids or [] ids = [i for i in include_ids if i not in exclude_ids] query = query.filter( elif exclude_ids: query = query.filter( dataruns = query.all() if not len(dataruns): return None if max_priority: mp = max(dataruns, key=attrgetter('priority')).priority dataruns = [d for d in dataruns if d.priority == mp] return dataruns
[docs] @try_with_session() def get_hyperpartition(self, hyperpartition_id): """ Get a specific classifier. """ return self.session.query(self.Hyperpartition).get(hyperpartition_id)
[docs] @try_with_session() def get_hyperpartitions(self, dataset_id=None, datarun_id=None, method=None, ignore_gridding_done=True, ignore_errored=True): """ Return all the hyperpartitions in a given datarun by id. By default, only returns incomplete hyperpartitions. """ query = self.session.query(self.Hyperpartition) if dataset_id is not None: query = query.join(self.Datarun)\ .filter(self.Datarun.dataset_id == dataset_id) if datarun_id is not None: query = query.filter(self.Hyperpartition.datarun_id == datarun_id) if method is not None: query = query.filter(self.Hyperpartition.method == method) if ignore_gridding_done: query = query.filter(self.Hyperpartition.status != PartitionStatus.GRIDDING_DONE) if ignore_errored: query = query.filter(self.Hyperpartition.status != PartitionStatus.ERRORED) return query.all()
[docs] @try_with_session() def get_classifier(self, classifier_id): """ Get a specific classifier. """ return self.session.query(self.Classifier).get(classifier_id)
[docs] @try_with_session() def get_classifiers(self, dataset_id=None, datarun_id=None, method=None, hyperpartition_id=None, status=None): """ Get a set of classifiers, filtered by the passed-in arguments. """ query = self.session.query(self.Classifier) if dataset_id is not None: query = query.join(self.Datarun)\ .filter(self.Datarun.dataset_id == dataset_id) if datarun_id is not None: query = query.filter(self.Classifier.datarun_id == datarun_id) if method is not None: query = query.join(self.Hyperpartition)\ .filter(self.Hyperpartition.method == method) if hyperpartition_id is not None: query = query.filter(self.Classifier.hyperpartition_id == hyperpartition_id) if status is not None: query = query.filter(self.Classifier.status == status) return query.all()
# ########################################################################## # # Special-purpose queries ############################################## # ##########################################################################
[docs] @try_with_session() def is_datatun_gridding_done(self, datarun_id): """ Check whether gridding is done for the entire datarun. """ datarun = self.get_datarun(datarun_id) is_done = True for hyperpartition in datarun.hyperpartitions: # If any hyperpartiton has not finished gridding or errored out, # gridding is not done for the datarun. if hyperpartition.status == PartitionStatus.INCOMPLETE: is_done = False return is_done
[docs] @try_with_session() def get_number_of_hyperpartition_errors(self, hyperpartition_id): """ Get the number of classifiers that have errored using a specified hyperpartition. """ classifiers = self.session.query(self.Classifier)\ .filter(and_(self.Classifier.hyperpartition_id == hyperpartition_id, self.Classifier.status == ClassifierStatus.ERRORED)).all() return len(classifiers)
[docs] @try_with_session() def get_methods(self, dataset_id=None, datarun_id=None, ignore_errored=False, ignore_gridding_done=False): """ Get all methods used in a particular datarun. """ hyperpartitions = self.get_hyperpartitions(dataset_id=dataset_id, datarun_id=datarun_id, ignore_gridding_done=False, ignore_errored=False) methods = set(f.method for f in hyperpartitions) return list(methods)
[docs] @try_with_session() def get_maximum_y(self, datarun_id, score_target): """ Get the maximum value of a numeric column by name, or None. """ query = self.session.query(func.max(getattr(self.Classifier, score_target))) result = query.filter(self.Classifier.datarun_id == datarun_id).first() if result: return float(result) return None
[docs] @try_with_session() def get_best_classifier(self, score_target, dataset_id=None, datarun_id=None, method=None, hyperpartition_id=None): """ Get the classifier with the best judgment metric, as indicated by score_target. score_target: indicates the metric by which to judge the best classifier. """ classifiers = self.get_classifiers(dataset_id=dataset_id, datarun_id=datarun_id, method=method, hyperpartition_id=hyperpartition_id, status=ClassifierStatus.COMPLETE) if '_judgment_metric' not in score_target: score_target += '_judgment_metric' if not classifiers: return None return max(classifiers, key=attrgetter(score_target))
[docs] @try_with_session() def load_model(self, classifier_id): clf = self.get_classifier(classifier_id) with open(clf.model_location, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)
[docs] @try_with_session() def load_metrics(self, classifier_id): clf = self.get_classifier(classifier_id) with open(clf.metrics_location, 'r') as f: return json.load(f)
# ########################################################################## # # Methods to update the database ####################################### # ##########################################################################
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def create_dataset(self, **kwargs): dataset = self.Dataset(**kwargs) self.session.add(dataset) return dataset
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def create_datarun(self, **kwargs): datarun = self.Datarun(**kwargs) self.session.add(datarun) return datarun
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def create_hyperpartition(self, **kwargs): partition = self.Hyperpartition(**kwargs) self.session.add(partition) return partition
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def create_classifier(self, **kwargs): classifier = self.Classifier(**kwargs) self.session.add(classifier) return classifier
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def start_classifier(self, hyperpartition_id, datarun_id, host, hyperparameter_values): """ Save a new, fully qualified classifier object to the database. Returns: the ID of the newly-created classifier """ classifier = self.Classifier(hyperpartition_id=hyperpartition_id, datarun_id=datarun_id, host=host, hyperparameter_values=hyperparameter_values,, status=ClassifierStatus.RUNNING) self.session.add(classifier) return classifier
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def complete_classifier(self, classifier_id, model_location, metrics_location, cv_score, cv_stdev, test_score): """ Set all the parameters on a classifier that haven't yet been set, and mark it as complete. """ classifier = self.session.query(self.Classifier).get(classifier_id) classifier.model_location = model_location classifier.metrics_location = metrics_location classifier.cv_judgment_metric = cv_score classifier.cv_judgment_metric_stdev = cv_stdev classifier.test_judgment_metric = test_score classifier.end_time = classifier.status = ClassifierStatus.COMPLETE
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def mark_classifier_errored(self, classifier_id, error_message): """ Mark an existing classifier as having errored and set the error message. If the classifier's hyperpartiton has produced too many erring classifiers, mark it as errored as well. """ classifier = self.session.query(self.Classifier).get(classifier_id) classifier.error_message = error_message classifier.status = ClassifierStatus.ERRORED classifier.end_time = noh_errors = self.get_number_of_hyperpartition_errors(classifier.hyperpartition_id) if noh_errors > MAX_HYPERPARTITION_ERRORS: self.mark_hyperpartition_errored(classifier.hyperpartition_id)
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def mark_hyperpartition_gridding_done(self, hyperpartition_id): """ Mark a hyperpartiton as having all of its possible grid points explored. """ hyperpartition = self.get_hyperpartition(hyperpartition_id) hyperpartition.status = PartitionStatus.GRIDDING_DONE
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def mark_hyperpartition_errored(self, hyperpartition_id): """ Mark a hyperpartiton as having had too many classifier errors. This will prevent more classifiers from being trained on this hyperpartiton in the future. """ hyperpartition = self.get_hyperpartition(hyperpartition_id) hyperpartition.status = PartitionStatus.ERRORED
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def mark_datarun_running(self, datarun_id): """ Set the status of the Datarun to RUNNING and set the 'start_time' field to the current datetime. """ datarun = self.get_datarun(datarun_id) if datarun.status == RunStatus.PENDING: datarun.status = RunStatus.RUNNING datarun.start_time =
[docs] @try_with_session(commit=True) def mark_datarun_complete(self, datarun_id): """ Set the status of the Datarun to COMPLETE and set the 'end_time' field to the current datetime. """ datarun = self.get_datarun(datarun_id) datarun.status = RunStatus.COMPLETE datarun.end_time =