from flask import Flask, jsonify, redirect, request
from flask_restless_swagger import SwagAPIManager as APIManager
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from atm.api.utils import auto_abort, make_absolute
from atm.config import RunConfig
[docs]def create_app(atm, debug=False):
db = atm.db
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = debug
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = make_absolute(db.engine.url)
# Create the Flask-Restless API manager.
manager = APIManager(app, flask_sqlalchemy_db=SQLAlchemy(app))
# Allow the CORS header
def add_cors_headers(response):
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Content-Type, Authorization'
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true'
return response
@app.route('/api/run', methods=['POST'])
@auto_abort((KeyError, ValueError))
def atm_run():
data = request.json
run_conf = RunConfig(data)
dataruns = atm.add_datarun(**run_conf.to_dict())
if not isinstance(dataruns, list):
dataruns = [dataruns]
response = {
'status': 200,
'datarun_ids': [ for datarun in dataruns]
return jsonify(response)
def swagger():
return redirect('/static/swagger/swagger-ui/index.html')
# Create API endpoints, which will be available at /api/<tablename> by
# default. Allowed HTTP methods can be specified as well.
manager.create_api(db.Dataset, methods=['GET', 'POST'])
manager.create_api(db.Datarun, methods=['GET'])
manager.create_api(db.Hyperpartition, methods=['GET'])
manager.create_api(db.Classifier, methods=['GET'])
return app